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Favoring shallow coastal waters, North Atlantic right whales passed close to ports, swam slowly, and often lingered on surface. Such traits made them easy to harpoon, and they tended to conveniently float after they died, thanks to their exceptionally thick blubber layer, which whalers rendered into oil. The first of the great whales to be hunted commercially, they lit the lamps of the Old World from the Dark Age through the Renaissance. By the 16th century Europeans had exhausted the eastern North Atlantic population and turned to North America`s coast.


In this moment of crisis, Herod looked of the Romans for help. He fled Jerusalem with his family under cover of darkness, and after defeating the Parthians and their Jewish allies in a desperate battle at the site where he would late build Herodium, he traveled on to Rome, where the senate named him king of Judaea. He walked out of senate building arm in arm with the two most powerful men in the Roman east, and Octavian, the young patrician who ruled the west, and who, nine years later, would defeat Antony and assume command of the entire empire.

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